Friday, August 3, 2012


I have eight days until I make the big move to New York City. I'm really excited and quite nervous, which I have not managed to accept myself ( let alone tell anyone else). The only reason I'm nervous is because I'm moving up there alone and during the past 2 years my ability to socialize and make friends has diminished (along with my self-esteem, healthy eating habits, and other customs of normalcy). I have every intention of trying my best to make friends but I know how socially awkward I am and how easy it is to stay isolated. A big part of this move for me is to change myself for the better so that I can enjoy the wonders of life. I only hope that I can stay motivated and not let triggers send me into a downward spiral. 

This blog will mostly chronicle my move and adjustment to New York City life but will also entail some side posts here and there. I will at some point explain about my disorders so that you all can fully understand what my posts are talking about and the struggles that I'm sure to come.

Photo of the Brooklyn bridge during my pre-move visit :)


  1. Ahhh... i want to move to New York!! haha :)
    I hope it goes well moving and that you settle in in New York!! Im sure you'll make some new friends... i know how hard it is, when socializing isnt a favorite thing to do.


    And thank you so much for the comment!! Made me smile :)

    1. Sorry! I just saw your comment, thank you very much. I hope everything goes okay, I'm getting more and more nervous :/ And no problem, I was only telling the truth :)
